I am Promit Biswas. I am student of a renowned university of Bangaladesh "RUET" at the depertment of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Currently I am completing Becelor of Science Engineering.
My hometown is Narail. I like to do coding, Website design and Andriod App Development.
I got Intermediate certificate.
I got Secondary School certificate.
I got Junior School School certificate with Scholarship
I got Primary School School certificate.
A good platform of learing more.
A good platform of programming course learing more qualified.
A good platform of Bangladeshi learing more.
I got prize
I Stood third.
I Stood third.
For the new hope and aspirition, I am delighted to admit here at a depertment of ECE.
Not Only two years, it is a hope of having happiness.
I had not stayed there more that 1 year but good friends are found here.
I had not stayed there more that 3 year but good friends are found here.
I had not stayed there more that 1 year but my first best friends are found here.
I had not stayed there more that 1 year but good friends are found here.
First School Change.
First School in my life..
It is a pasion of my Life. I like to all of that.
My first android appllication for My Project make my interest on Android Application also.
As a student of ECE, I like to do programming.
Web development is a art for me. I am a Designer now for a website and wanna be full stack developer.
I like to do researching in any sector.
Reading is one of my best passion . I like to read novels.
In my life some of my achievements has photography.Below there are some.
I got prize from NARAIL ZILA District Commisionar for getting a position in ICT OLYMPIAD.
My life is changed for geeting chance in RUET. I was very happy when i got the flower from VC.
The GM of JPBS-1 gave me a honor for getting a chance in ruet.